Just five years ago, the high-tech chal- lenge posed by Japan preoccupied the United States. Yet, in The End of Japan Inc., Christopher Wood argues that we are now witnessing the shattering of Japan's post- World War II economic miracle.
Wood, a former Tokyo and New York Bureau Chief of The Economist, maintains that Japan is far behind America in tomor- row's information technology. As the new global economy flows increasingly away from manufacturing and toward the information industry, the major loser will be the masters of mass production and social conformity: Japan. In The End of Japan Inc., Wood, who correctly predicted Japan's recent financial crisis in his book The Bubble Economy, points to economic, political, and social upheaval on a staggering scale for our Asian competitor.
Among Wood's forecasts:
- Japan will soon begin to unload U.S. real estate holdings acquired in the 1980s, such as Rockefeller Center.
- Japan's grip on the electronics industry will disappear, and American companies will take over.
- Japan's automakers will have to radically alter their acclaimed management techniques and production quantity, leading to huge lay- offs and societal unrest.
- Japan's politics will be marked by ideological conflict for the first time since the rise of militarism in the 1930s.
- Japan will be forced to re-arm to address the new balance-of-power realities in post-Cold War Asia..