I KNOW WHY THIS BOOK is in your hands: you have that fire within-a compulsory desire to create something new. You want to step over the boundaries that surround your current daily existence, to break away from a career path clogged with people seeking the same predictable, safe, and unremarkable destination. Whether you're a cubicle worker, a small business owner, or a corporate leader, you want to enter new territory-to incubate ideas, break down the walls of risk aversion that surround you, and clear a trail toward something only you can imagine and achieve. I know the journey you're contemplating, because I've taken it, and I remember how little real, practical advice I could find to help me on my way. I didn't read entrepreneurial success stories and wish that I was the guy or gal who'd made it to the top. I wanted to know how they got there, so I could do it myself-to start something from nothing and realize success. I think that's what you want, too, and that's why I wrote this book.