What do you need to do your job? Staff? Equipment? Money? These are all obviously essential but what about support, advice, information, assistance, cooperation, direction? Less obvious, but equally essential. To get these, other people around you need to know that you need them and will accept them. This is where an organization often falls down people don't communicate clearly with each other, and are there- fore unable to work most effectively.
John Machin has developed a simple and practical way for managers to find out how effectively they communicate, how to improve, and how to monitor that improvement. The Expectations Approach allows you to spell out, test and, if you find you need to, adjust the expectations and assumptions on which you base your working life. It is a cheap, user-controlled system which has been tested success- fully by 50 researchers, with 40 organizations and over 2000 managers.
It will be of great value to managers and senior managers, especially those responsible for planning and control, and to students of organizational control, human relations and communications, as well as to all those who work in organizations and find poor communication limits their effectiveness.