Here are just a few of the features that make The Fashion Survival Manual unique:
โข A lengthy list of manufacturers' Registered Numbers, in numerical sequence, which permits you to identify the designer of a garment-even if the label is ripped out!
โข How to define your fashion philosophy and objectives
โข The right way to analyze and organize your wardrobe How to read a fashion magazine for accessory ideas
โข Four comprehensive charts that tell you all you'll ever need to know about wool, silk, linen, and cotton
โข How to judge tailoring and select a really well-made garment
โข How to decide what's alterable and what isn't
โข Shopping strategies that save money-and time
โข Style tips and special stores for the very petite and the very large woman
โข A national shopping guide to the best posh stores, discount stores, factory outlets, antique clothing stores, and thrift and resale stores. What to look for and what to avoid
โข Clearance as a way of life, or it isn't a bargain unless it's marked down at least 50 percent.
โข How to tell a real sale from a real con job
โข The art of recycling your clothes so that they're always in style and always look good
โข Quick and easy No-Sew Patterns and No-Pattern Designs