The The world's most exciting, fastest-growing new market? It's where you least expect it: at the bottom of the pyramid. Collectively the world's billions of poor people have immense entrepreneurial capabilities and buying power. You can learn how to serve them and help millions of the world's poorest people escape poverty.
It is being done now-profitably. Whether you're a business leader or an anti-poverty activist, business guru Prahalad shows why you can't afford to
ignore "Bottom of the Pyramid" (BOP) markets. In the book and accompanying videos and case studies (downloadable free at, Prahalad presents...
โข Why what you know about BOP markets is wrong
โข A world of surprises from spending patterns to distribution and marketing
โข Unlocking the "poverty penalty"
โข The most enduring contributions your company can make Delivering dignity, empowerment, and choice-not just products