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The Great Entente Cordiale: The Battle of the Cartoons

By: James Darwen (Ed.)

Book Condition: Good
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Our laughter at the exposure of the sins, foibles and idiocies of the French in the first half of the book freezes to ice when we see what the French think of us in the second!

Rions bien aux dรฉpens des pรฉchรฉs, des faiblesses et des idioties des Franรงais dans la premiรจre moitiรฉ du livre car notre rire va se figer quand nous verrons ce que les SATH Franรงais pensent de nous dans la seconde!

The wit and vitriol of the thirty-four most famous French and British cartoonists.

L'esprit et le vitriol des trente quatre plus cรฉlรจbres dessinateurs d'humour franรงais et britanniques.

Additional information

Weight 316 g
Dimensions 244 × 188 × 10 mm
Book Author




Book Condition

Published Year

ISBN 9780907621973