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The Ingredients Matter: India
By: Umi M Patel, Hina Balar, Shilpa P Saxena
Book Condition: Good
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1 in stock
food, just the one word enlivens in us so many senses, associates us with so many emotions, and connects us to so many memories Food is a social occasion and a work of art. It can inspire us when we are tired, and strengthen us when we are weak. Our food choices can help to lead us along a path of health and vitality, or participate in dragging us along a road pot-haled with imbalance and diseaseTo make the most of our relationship with food, it is essential to have resources that provide us with valuable information and assist us in our gustatory choices and preparation. The Ingredients Matter: India is founded on the principle that great health is intimately tied to great food. Each dish is created with whole, plant based foods and flavored with a mixture of spices that are known to decrease inflammation and the risk of food allergies Recipes are presented with breathtaking photos and clear, simple instructions. The time required for preparation and cooking is provided, along with specific ways the food or an ingredient in the food can contribute to health and well-being. Be prepared to be informed and inspired. Enjoy food in its healthiest forms, Indian cuisine at its highest state, and the beauty and brilliance of the inter weave of art and knowledge: I highly recommend The Ingredients Matter: India:Wayne Dysinger, M.D.. Chair, Department of Preventive Medicine, Loma Linda University