Innovation is surely the most exciting part of business life. It can also be one of the most frustrating, but there is nothing to compare with the thrill of finding a new idea and turning it into concrete reality. This book is about people who have done just that. It covers a wide range of activities, because innovatio just clearly not confined to any particular field.
The past century and a half has seen advances in technology which are without parallel in history. As a result, it has become commonplace to associate the word 'innovation' with techno- logical change; but it has a much wider application. We live in what Peter Drucker has called "The age of discontinuity'. People everywhere are constantly looking not only for new products but for new ways of doing things -in manufacturing, in finance, in services, in management, in the arts, in economics. Some innovations, such as instalment buying and the supermarket, have made as much of an impact on our lives as the great advances in technology.