The Last Peacock is a social comedy set in Scotland. In a Perthshire manse a matriarch lies dying. Her large and disparate family are gathered round her: Belinda, a disillusioned married woman living in London, is reunited with her brother Colin, the Last Peacock of the title. Brilliant and over-educated, he is drinking himself to death. Like Belinda, he is a Romantic unable to come to terms with the twentieth century. While he takes refuge in ironic inaction their sister Fiona sees salvation in a neo-Nazi organization which will restore hierarchy and order to British life...
'Among other things, The Last Peacock offers us an acute and fascinating portrayal of the Scottish landed gentry.... The Last Peacock is an accomplished novel and Massie is a fine and talented writer' William Boyd, The Times Literary Supplement
'Allan Massie in The Last Peacock has achieved a model of conciseness' Daily Telegraph