Child of God, this book is for you if you want it to be. If you love God or if you simply want to love God, this book is for you. Someone recently told me that, in her experience, religion was too often a matter of culture and not a matter of commitment. This explains, she said, why unloving things are done by churches, Christian communities, nations, and individuals. They have the veneer of Christianity but not the love that makes it real. If you feel in your heart that your commitment to God urges you to love, to discover what love is, to experience love, to share love and to receive love, please read this book and share it with others who feel the same.
I gave a retreat once to a community of Poor Clare contemplative nuns. Toward the end of the retreat an elderly nun came in to see me. Bent over and crippled with age, she slowly walked across the room and painfully sat in the chair facing me. She sat for a while in silence. Suddenly I had a very powerful premonition that she was going to say something of great significance. She did! Nodding her head affirmingly, she looked at me and said, "Father, everything leads to God, everything, everything, everything!" We both sat there in silence, letting the full meaning of this wisdom sink in. I have still not exhausted its depth.
It means, dear friend in God, that we were made for love and that everything else was made to make love possible. If you agree with this and even if you have not been as actively engaged in the search for love as you might have wished, you can begin right now. Read this book, be encouraged and reassured in your loving pursuit, and invite others to do the same.