In this thought-provoking and ground- breaking work, Richard David Hames turns conventional wisdom on its head by challenging many of the preconceptions we have about how organisations should be structured and 'managed'.
The Management Myth not only explores alternative ways of thinking about the world in which we work, it also highlights the impact of technological and global change, and brings together in a highly perceptive and challenging way the key issues, dilemmas and paradoxes confronting today's organisations.
With the use of six beguiling metaphors, Richard Hames explores the essence of future organisations. These metaphors incorporate such issues as the need for organisations to be 'critical learning' systems, the need for business to appreciate and capitalise on the diversity of people, the need for ethics in business, and even the impact that chaos theory might have on the way we lead our organisations to success.
The six metaphors form the essence of the final part of The Management Myth, which explores - in a truly systemic way - the nature of organisational structure and its components, organisational culture, strategic management and leadership.