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The Manpower Planning Handbook

By: Malcolm Bennison , Jonathan Casson

Book Condition: Good
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What a tragedy that the manpower planning activity that began with such promise in the 1960s should be dismissed as irrelevant by the people who now need it most, the chief executives of organizations. During the time of preparation of this book unemployment has risen sharply.

both the rates of interest and the rates of inflation have fluctuated widely and many organizations have announced major redundancies. What tragic irony is that the need for better manpower management should be so great and yet the acceptability of the means to improve it is so low that many organizations omit these methods from the options they use to cope with the recession; company after company resorts to short-term manpower policies.

The tragedy is deepened by the fact that there are available practical and simple techniques to help an organization's manpower management-techniques that are relevant and useful in these times. Indeed, the same practical and simple techniques are relevant and useful in dealing with the manpower problems that result from the rapid expansion that organizations experienced during the 1960s or from the severe contractions recently experienced.

The penalties associated with failure to match manpower and organization policies are heavy in human terms. The costs of employing people have been rising more rapidly than other organization costs, and whereas overmanning five years ago might have been tolerable it is no longer the case.

ISBN: 0070847274

Additional information

Weight 630 g
Dimensions 233 × 158 × 27 mm


Book Condition

Published Year

No. of Pages

Book Author

ISBN 0070847274