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The Method in My Madness: Self-mocking Narratives on The Trivial

By: Sunney Tharappan

Book Condition: Very good
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'We have grown together, he in his practice and I in my foolishness. In his cabin he took only one look. The very fact that I go to him, and not to any other, many are available with five medical colleges in the city itself, is the best sign of my growing foolishness'.
'I drove into the hospital with my permanent companion associated with medical science - the fear of the needle'.

My name is my name, and it proclaims my individuality, and singularity, and uniqueness, and rarity, and, may be, all of them together at trying times.
I know that it is a genuine dog because dogs' first sense to develop is that of touching and it touched me, of course, not with his paws but with his canines which made the difference.

He looked at me once and I was afraid that he was going to arrest me and put handcuffs for me and take me to one of the Gauntanamo torture centres.
The key was the key issue of my lack of success; it wasn't a failure at all, to keep washed clothes which came from the garment cleaners, inside the wardrobe on a regular systematic and habitual basis.
I wanted to go back, jump across the desk, catch hold of that assistant with both his collars in my hand and beat him black and blue on the two sides of his brown face. ISBN:METHODINMYMAD

Additional information

Weight 156 g
Dimensions 176 × 110 × 14 mm




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