Reflections on the Decision of Datuk Musa Hitam to quit the Governement of Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
K. Das, the former Bureau Chief of the Far Eastern Economic Review in Kuala Lumpur, wrote extensively on Malaysian political affairs for ten years until 1985. His reports were marked by an intimate *knowledge of personalities and issues, as well as by their penetrating analyses, and controversial observations.
This "instant" book, as he calls it, was written in a dozen days. Still, because of the speed of developments surrounding the resignation of Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Musa Hitam, it may seem out of date by the time it reaches the bookstands.
But this is no history. It is rather some reflections of a respected analyst on the dilemma facing Malaysians today, and will continue to be important reading long after Musa's own dilemma is resolved.
A sequel to this book will follow shortly.
"The answer as to what we want in government is obvious. The question is: will we boldly make the choice when it is given to us?"