Dr. Peter Whitehouse will transform the way we think about Alzheimer's disease.In this provocative and ground-breaking book he challenges the conventional wisdom about memory loss and cognitive impairment; questions the current treatment for Alzheimer's disease; and provides a new approach to understanding and rethinking everything we thought we knew about brain aging.
"The Myth of Alzheimer's" provides welcome answers to the questions that millions of people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and their families are eager to know:
Is Alzheimer's a disease?
What is the difference between a naturally aging brain and an Alzheimer's brain?
How effective are the current drugs for AD? Are they worth the money we spend on them?
What kind of hope does science really have for the treatment of memory loss?
What promise does genomic research actually hold?
What would a world without Alzheimer's look like, and how do we as individuals and as human communities get there?
Backed up by research, full of practical advice and information, and infused with hope, THE MYTH OF ALZHEIMER'S will liberate us from this crippling label, teach us how to best approach memory loss, and explain how to stave off some of the normal effects of aging.
"The Myth of Alzheimer's" provides welcome answers to the questions that millions of people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and their families are eager to know:
Is Alzheimer's a disease?
What is the difference between a naturally aging brain and an Alzheimer's brain?
How effective are the current drugs for AD? Are they worth the money we spend on them?
What kind of hope does science really have for the treatment of memory loss?
And are there alternative interventions that can keep our aging bodies and minds sharp?
What promise does genomic research actually hold?
What would a world without Alzheimer's look like, and how do we as individuals and as human communities get there?
Backed up by research, full of practical advice and information, and infused with hope, THE MYTH OF ALZHEIMER'S will liberate us from this crippling label, teach us how to best approach memory loss, and explain how to stave off some of the normal effects of aging.