The New Manager's Handbook provides you with two dozen lessons and insights for suc-cessfully handling the all-important "people" component of your new management posi-tion. Providing you with concrete skills to successfully overcome the double challenge of managing and turning on the motivation of your employees while meeting the demands of your superiors, this no-nonsense leadership guide features:
• A three-step method for delivering feed-back that helps employees understand your suggestions and apply them successfully
• Specific words and phrases to use when providing constructive criticism, along with those to avoid at all costs
• Alliance-building methods for cooperating instead of competing with coworkers, listening for and responding to indirect requests for help, and more
• Three techniques for making bad news more palatable
• Guidelines for meaningful delegation, i.e., giving others the responsibility and authority to take on special duties that will contribute to the group's success
• Performance review strategies that will empower your employees and lead them to judge their own performance