THE ORIGINAL PAMELA was a servant pursued by her lecherous master. Because she successfully eluded him, she became the permanent possessor of his lust in holy wedlock. Thus in the 18th century was virtue' rewarded.
THE NEW PAMELA is a professor with lust of her own. Having defied the double standard by opening doors for herself and paying for herself, she proceeds to ask men to bed only to discover that men don't know how to go to bed with an equal, that her frank sexuality turns many men into 'impotentates.' Thus is her 'virtue' unrewarded.
"...In bed, men have the morals of babies. Just as babies expect mamma to feed them and keep them clean, so men expect women to tuck their penises in at night. Just as babies aren't expected to reciprocate for favors granted, neither are men. In sex the average male is, like a baby, on a premoral level. It's the rare male who's developed a sexual conscience, who suffers more than a passing pang when he comes and the woman doesn't."