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The New Smith’s Bible Dictionary
By: William Smith
Book Condition: Good
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1 in stock
First published in the nineteenth century, SMITH'S BIBLE DICTIONARY has achieved the status of an undis- puted religious classic. Numerous adaptations and revisions have ap- peared since 1900, each incorporat- ing certain material not available to Dr. Smith, but the last of these re- visions is now more than twenty-five years old.Since then, an immense amount of information has been uncovered. The Dead Sea Scrolls and other archeological discoveries, linguistic advances, more accurate methods of scientific dating, refined textual crit- icism-all made it necessary to re- vise older works and bring them up to date.In this new, completely revised dictionary, every article has been carefully scrutinized by a compe- tent scholar, and every variance with presently known fact has been corrected.However, the editors and the contributors have throughout their work limited themselves to known facts only, avoiding the pitfalls of speculative theories. Therefore, the Bible student will find this new edition of the classic a most valuable aid to locating, in condensed form, the information sought in a ready- reference, one-volume Bible dictionary.