Arthur Conan Doyle was one of the most popular and prolific writers of his day. He is best known as the au- thor of the Sherlock Holmes series; however, the majority of his work never involved the hero of 221-B Baker Street.
Presented here, as they origi- nally appeared in the Strand Maga- zine at the turn of the century, are 18 tales of mystery, suspense and ad- venture along with the complete novel, "Rodney Stone." As an added treat, the reader is invited to spend "A Day With Dr. Conan Doyle" as others did in 1892.
This book contains all 236 origi- nal illustrations by Sidney Paget (the inventive illustrator of the Sherlock Holmes stories) and other top artists of the day.
Read these hard-to-find stories and discover the OTHER Arthur Conan Doyle. ISBN:0890093911