Your reason for getting up in the morning. Every one of us needs a reason to get up in the morning. This book is about that reason. Its purpose is to help you discover the purpose for your life. Each life has a natural reason for being. Purpose is the reason a person was born.From birth to death, each of us is on a quest to discover that reason. Many never do. Yet, our world is incomplete until each one of us discovers our purpose. Purpose is that deepest dimension within us-our central core or essence-where we have a profound sense of who we are, where we came from, and where we're going. Purpose is the quality we choose to shape our lives around. Purpose is a source of energy and direction.
Richard J. Leider is a founding partner of The Inventure Group, a coaching and consulting firm in Minneapolis, Minnesota devoted to bringing out the natural potential in people. He is a nationally known writer, speaker, and career coach, and a pioneer in the field of Life/Work Planning. A National Certified Career Coach, he has been helping people to hear and heed their callings for more than 30 years. Author and co-author of five previous books, including the best-sellers Repacking Your Bags and The Power of Purpose, he is also an online columnist for Fast Company.