The Power of the Angels is an inspiring and comforting guide to connecting with the angels and learning how to experience their love and support, even in the darkest times in our lives.
Who are angels? How can they help you and your loved ones? How can you experience and communicate with them? Learn about how angels feature in the holy scriptures of many religions and discover the different orders and hierarchies of angels and their purpose.
You'll be uplifted by incredible first-person stories of angel encounters. A three-year-old boy is brought back from the brink of death by beings he calls 'birdies'. The sound of angelic music comforts a grieving couple. A women is protected from a devastating church fire by a throng of angels.
Learn how to connect with your own angel using the 72 angel cards. Each card features an angel from the ancient Jewish Kabbalah and describes its attributes and how it can help in your life. Discover how to use the angel cards in conjunction with prayer, invocation and meditation to call on the angels for reassurance and daily guidance.