Benedict Allen's unquenchable quest for adventure leads him once again to the tribal proving grounds. When he became 'a man of true men' among an isolated Papua New Guinea tribe, there were few traditions he was allowed to flout.
The only 'whiteman' to have undergone the gruelling male initiation ceremony - as described in Into the Crocodile Nest - Benedict Allen opens the powerful, eloquent story of The Proving Grounds by returning to the tribal village, only to learn from his clan brothers and sisters that his trials of induction are far from over. He is sent traversing the Central Range of New Guinea, through the forest mists, to discover the living magic of the uncontacted Yaifo people, forced to cross the treacherous Torres Strait by flimsy canoe to Australia and scorched by the red sands of the Gibson Desert. Whitefella Benedict undertakes this breathtaking journey in an extraordinary bid to achieve a unique level of acceptance - earning beyond dispute his right to be treated as an adult in a tribal community