Meet the indispensable people who can bring your organization to that crucial next level.How many can you recognize?
And where do you fit in? The Creating a strong sense of urgency to deliver results, they’re the driving force of a growing business The Born communicators, adept at negotiation and relationship-building The These “intellectual acrobats” think outside the box, imagine new possibilities, and contribute to innovation The On the lookout to raise your organization’s profile while benefiting the world at large Leadership development experts Alaina Love and Marc Cugnon have identified ten such “Passion Profile Archetypes,” and in The Purpose Linked Organization , you’ll learn the strengths, vulnerabilities, and proper care and feeding of them all. Authors Love and Cugnon offer easily implementable ways to channel the power of each individual’s passions in a positive, purposeful direction. You’ll understand how to link skills, values, and passions to performance―and how doing so will bring the results your organization can’t afford to be without. Just as important, you’ll be able to confidently assess your own purpose and passions so thatyour own organizational role will be as engaging, fulfilling, and productive as possible. Most employees spend more than 84,000 hours of their lives at work. When that time is personally meaningful, great things can happen, which will enrich your organization, the customers it serves, and even society as a whole. ISBN:9780071624701