In a world of shifting realities, two warriors begin a deadly quest for truth....It is winter in Everien. The land is under the thumb of the Pharician warlord Tash, and the Clans are thrown into rebellion. Tash will stop at nothing to exploit the mysterious Knowledge of the lost Everiens, to produce terrible weapons seen only in the visions of young Impressionists. Still, the Pharicians cannot control the Clans ... or vanquish the Sekk.
Meanwhile, in Istar's homeland a winged skeleton has been discovered -- unearthing an ancient legend and rousing a bloodthirsty Sekk warrior who will prove to be Istar's greatest challenge.
In the midst of these struggles, an ancient Everien skyfalcon, long thought to be extinct, has arrived in Jai Khalar bearing a cryptic message that will transform Everien forever. The mystery of the skyfalcon is bound with the fate of Tarquin the Free -- lost between reality and Everien's past with his elusive love, Jaya Paradox -- and with Tarquin's dark foe, Night, who haunts an Everien riddled by war, love, magic, and time itself. ISBN:9780553579024