The Scole Experiment chronicles the extraordinary results of a five-year investigation into life after death. At the beginning of 1993 four psychic researchers embarked on a series of experiments in the Norfolk village of Scole. The subsequent events were so astounding that senior members of the prestigious Society for Psychical Research asked to observe, test and record what took place.Those who attended the sessions at Scole came away convinced that discarnate intelligences were making direct contact with them. The incontrovertible evidence they witnessed included:Handwriting, symbols and messages which appeared onfactory-sealed, unopened photographic film Objects, lights and solid beings which materialised before previously sceptical observersSpirits who communicated instructions for the building of complex instruments and communication devices Personal information about those present which was revealed to the group by discarnate intelligencesThe Scole Experiment will finally convince you that there really is life after death.ISBN:9780749921057