Success-conscious Americans are grammar-conscious Americans and for good reasons. They know that if they want to get ahead in almost any business or profession, they must speak and write reasonably correct English. The first edition of The Scott, Fores man Handbook for Writers introduced a fresh and pragmatic approach to helping writers achieve that goal and in doing so became an immediate best seller. We were delighted and encouraged by that success, pleased to find that students and instructors responded so enthusiastically to our informal, practical, and user-friendly methods for improving writing.In this second edition, we keep this easy-to-use, troubleshooting format for helping writers to master the conventions of standard English, and we continue to stress taking a damage control approach to correcting errors. We also maintain a holistic focus by urging writers to generate content and ideas first. then turn their attention to revising and editing.
In this edition we continue to avoid specialized terminology as much as possible; when it is necessary we define key terms at the beginning of each section. Since research shows that students learn most when they can identify and correct errors on their own, our goal has been to write a book that students can use independently to revise and edit their writing.