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The Spirit of the East

By: Ikbal Ali Shah

Book Condition: Good
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An Introductory Selection from Moslem, Parsee, Hindu, Hebrew, Confucian and Other Sources

THE religious systems of the East have always made a profound appeal to the Occident, not only because of the mysterious grandeur of the imagination and beauty inherent in them, but also by reason of the indwelling truth which so nobly inspires them. Their value to humanity is undoubted, and although they present many points of dissimilarity to Western faiths, they are at one with these in the deep spirit of piety and experience they emanate.

In a period of the world's history, when the kinship of all religious faith and dogma is be- coming more apparent daily to mankind, the surpassing excellences of the beliefs of the Orient scarcely require to be stressed. Their value to European and American thought has long been realized by men and women of liberal outlook who from the pages of their sacred books have reaped treasures of thought and inspirations of sacred and lasting benefit.

But because of temporal and personal difficulties and barriers of distance it is not given to every European to become acquainted with the eternal and salient spiritual witness and wealth which lies at the heart of these inspired writings, and it is to supply this want that I have culled from their myriad pages what have appeared to me passages and excerpts especially bearing upon the time in which we live to-day: these jewels of pious and inspired insight and sacred experience which have alike proceeded from Moslem, Parsee Hindu, Hebrew, and Confucian and other religious sentiments. I have endeavoured to select especially those which seemed to me not only of spiritual value but which are characteristic of the several faiths here represented, so that the virtue peculiar to and inherent in each of them may be realized and understood.

In the following introductory pages I have also thought fit to provide some brief description of the system and tenets of each of the faiths from whose writings I have made selections, so that those who are not acquainted with their theology and mythic background may glean at least some knowledge of the same, and so the better comprehend the collected passages which follow.


Additional information

Weight 202 g
Dimensions 182 × 109 × 17 mm




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ISBN 0525473955