Eleven years of research and three years of actual writing went into the creation of The Story of Philosophy. Since its first publication, it has become one of the best-loved books of our time, a contemporary classic that teaches and entertains, inspires and elevates the reader. Dr. Durant's outline includes not only lucid explanations of the great philosophies, but the careers of the philophers and interpretations based upon the twofold view, together with a host of good tales and merry quips by and about famous scholars from Socrates to Professor John Dewey. Plato, Aristotle, Bacon, Spinoza, oltaire, Kant, Locke, Schopenhauer, Spencer, Nietzsche, Bergson, croce, Russell, Santayana, James, Dewey. Chroicles the ideas of great thinkers, the economic and intellectual environments which influenced them, and the personal traits and adventures of which each philosophy grew. ISBN:0671829009