You aren't alone-and you're smart to seek change. Studies show that prolonged or severe stress can weaken the immune system and the heart, damage memory, and even encourage the body to deposit fat at the waist-a risk factor for heart disease, cancer, and other illnesses.
Finally, here is a doctor's answer to the modern problem of chronic stress. Based on Dr. Cherewatenko's work with more than 2,000 women in a special stress- reduction program, his breakthrough plan dramatically revives the body's healing chemistry and explains steps women can take to stop living in overdrive. After a de- tailed self-assessment, readers can follow his 7-step De-STRESS program:
โข DHEA-safely replenish levels of this stress-fighting hormone
โข Supplemental Nutrition-replace vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes lost to stress
โข Taming the Tiger-pursue meditation, yoga, and other stress-busting, mindful-living methods
โข Rekindling Relationships-take a new approach to work and family relationships
โข Exercise-exercise in ways to increase energy and mental focus
โข Sensible Eating-keep your emotions from ruling your palate
โข Sound Sleep-"quality sleep" helps keep hormones stable ISBN:9780060198251