Teens are becoming more independent and their environment more unpredictable.Deep down, they want to do well...
But they're struggling - and you're struggling - to figure out how to navigate the teenage years... To feel prepared for a future that might seem like a distant dream...
Schools and relationships are not as simple as they were when you were a kid. Your teen has to respond to difficult situations almost everyday.
Renowned Teen Mentor Josh Shipp (featured on CNN, Good Morning America & 20/20) is pulling together all of his sound advice for "world domination" into a must-have survival guide. Hilarious, inspirational, and sound, Josh offers teen tested/parent approved wisdom for everything that has teens freaking out. So, summon your inner hero and learn to dominate the seven "villains" that are keeping you from awesomeness.
" Your painful mistakes, that are holding you back & causing self-doubt. Confront them once and for all.
" Back-stabbing "friends" who earn your trust to fulfill their own agendas. Call them out and they won't stand a chance
" Bullies and bad boyfriends who take advantage of you. Write them off and tune them out
" Individuals who want to "program" you to be like them. Understand their true intent to improve your communication
" Negative influences and addictions, which draw you in and steal your identity. Regain your self-esteem before you get bit
" Chronic complainers who drag you down with their pessimism. The best zombie-repellant is gratitude! Learn that it's not what happens to you, it's how you respond
" They seem all fun and innocent on the surface, but often blindside you with hidden consequences. Learn how to think smart about such things. ISBN:9780312641542