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The Things They Say About Politicians/The Things Politicians Say About Things

By: K. Das

Book Condition: Good
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RM21.90 RM19.71

1 in stock


Books like this should not be introductioned.

They should be printed and carefully put away to gather dust in libraries, book godowns and other graveyards of ideas. There are too many of them as it is.

But in these recessionary times storage space is so expensive. And some- one said, "Publish and be damned, ," and so present it to the public in the fond hope it has some storage space. The public, of course, may also read it.

So I am only going to say two necessary things and quote two almost necessary quotes to make the page look respectable for some of my friends who are forever urging me to "write a book."

Say One: A preface is necessary if you put together a book consisting entirely of what someone else has already said, simply to acknowledge that irritating fact. And to note that some busybodies have already quoted so many of these sayings all over acres and acres of paper.

Say Two: I need the money.

Additional information

Weight 385 g
Dimensions 148 × 200 × 15 mm




Book Condition

Published Year

No. of Pages

Book Author

ISBN 9679999815