First Runner-Up, Popular Readers' Choice Award 2014, English (Children) Category11 days in TAIPEI, TAIWAN with my best friends. No naggy parents, no pesky siblings. I should be ecstatic, right? But nooo…Mum decided my first trip abroad should be culturally enriching. Which meant boring Chinese lessons. I told myself, stay positive! There’d be lots of bubble tea, all the street snacks I could find, sightseeing…
But I crossed paths with this BIG, UGLY BULLY who’s a Wing Chun master and ran away from class to avoid him. What I didn’t expect was to lose my passport and ALL my money! Oh man…how was I going to survive this trip?
“From school to market, everything is familiar but fresher from a precocious child’s point of view, and the illustrations are quirky and cute. A clever idea and a pleasurable read.”
—Tan Shee Lah, Lifestyle
“It has delightful local flavour, humour, sketches and even unwanted comments from Mom (who corrects his spelling, of course) and Dad. It introduces uniquely Singaporean sights and sounds like the Kopi lingo used at coffeeshops…”
—Wong Siow Yuen, Young Parents ISBN:9789810778729