THE BRUNEI DARUSSALAM-INDONESIA-MALAYSIA-PHILIPPINES (BIMP)-EAST ASEAN growth area (EAGA) His Excellency Tan Sri Datuk Sri Utama Pandikar Amin Mulia
The Changing Landscape of The Agriculture Sector in Malaysia Honourable Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Klandee Minister of Agriculture and Food Industries
Council of Women Political Leaders (COMWEL) Honourable Datuk Zuraida Kamaruddin Minister of Housing and Local Government
The Politics of Islam Hadari and Ethnic Relations in Malaysia Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani
A Dose of Politics- India's Vaccine Politics
R. Ramachandran
Game Plan to Exit Pandemic Vital Tan Sri Johan Jaaffar
An Agenda for Future Research on Money Politics in the United States
John C. Fortier and M chael J. Malbin
The Sarawak State Assembly Kamala Bhale M.G. Pillai
Understanding Hybrid Parliament
His Excellency Tan Sri Datuk Utama Pandikar Amin Mulia and Kamala Bhale M.G. Pillai
Book Review Ramli Ngah Talib
Unparliamentary Language and Expressions