Healch care professionals recommend that you read this book, whether or not genital herpesis an issue in your life. So many people have genital herpes that avoiding this infection has be-
come a real challenge. Dr. Sacks teaches that the greatest risk comes from sexual contact with
people who think they don't have herpes but really do. People who know they have herpes
can dramatically reduce their chances of transmitting the virus by following a few simple rules
that are provided in this book.
Written in straightforward language, this book provides invaluable information for people
with herpes, health care professionals, educators, and anyone who is or plans to be sexually
active, whether those plans include one lifetime partner or a hundred partners.
Health care professionals will find it helpful to refer people with herpes to this book to learn
more about the virus. Counseling time can then be more focused on individuals' needs. ISBN:9780919574663