Documented mysterious riddles of the universe science cannot solve!VULCAN - THE INTRAMERCURIAL PLANET. At one time astronomers discovered it, named it and charted it- -and then it disappeared.
THE MEXICAN MESSIAH. Compelling evidence that long before Columbus a white man traveled in Mexico, preaching the Gospel.
TRANSIENT LUNAR PHENOMENA (TLPs). Do the frequent light flashes on the moon mean there are active volcanoes on a dead satellite?
NORTH AMERICAN MEGALITHS. Can a race of Druid Stonehenge-builders have inhabited North America centuries before the Indians?
FROG AND FISH BALLS. Reliable reports of frogs, fish and pieces of flesh showering out of the sky.
These are a few of the uncanny facts and events that have been witnessed - and documented - again and again. Read this book and decide for yourself the nature of these phenomena that cannot be explained even by the most up-to-date scientific theories.