Southern England: An approaching aircraft 'filled the windshield' of a passenger airliner...
Newfoundland: A jumbo jet goes into a dive as all four engines die...
Washington: A landing DC9 misses the tail fin of a departing DC10 by twenty feet...
Only luck prevents mistakes like these from becoming tragedies on the scale of Zagreb, Tenerife and Chicago -and yet many similar incidents are never even reported.
Why do they happen? Can they be prevented? Can they be controlled? This terrifying investigation reveals not only the potential dangers of human error, but how commercial pressure, inadequate or ignored safety procedures, out dated equipment, confusion in the cockpit and obsessive secrecy all combine to make air travel increasingly perilous.
Those who provided information for this book have done so from their concern that air travel may be approaching a crisis in safety. The evidence gathered by William Norris confirms such fears.