In the enchanting and entertaining The Unusual Story of Girelli the Gelliphant, a young giraffe and elephant befriend each other in the African forest when they discover they've had a similar upbringing. Over time, the giraffe and elephant become devoted to one another and build a house together. As they share life in their lovely home as best friends, a big surprise comes their way! What will the mysterious twist to their story be? Will they live happily ever after when they learn the news?
The Unusual Story of Girelli the Gelliphant will surprise, amuse and engage readers of all ages.
Lin Bailey grew up in Southeast England and currently lives in a seaside town called Southend on Sea in Essex. She is a part-time respite care worker for people in their homes.
Ms. Bailey is working on her next book, about a shark that loses his prized dorsal fin.