The last words are very important in my mind because they are the last and no more will be entertained on the subject. In this privileged position I wish to state if I can go back to the sixties when everything seemed to be worth waiting for and that's it, a period of hopefully waiting for, unlike waiting for Godot.
This long period of waiting, up until now, seemed very fruitful for my friend and fellow poet Buddhadasa Galappatty whose begin- ning, I, as a young woman, saw as one worthwhile, hopefully waiting for. There were many in that period who promised much but alas did not fulfill expectations due to political revolutionary
upheavals and disasters, to whose memory I bow my head.
One of the few who withstood all that and more was Buddhi as lovingly referred to by many. By now he has completed and issued 14 publications most of which were books of poetry for one of which he received recognition in 1998 as the best poet of the year.
The most recent publication of his is titled The Valley Below which contains selected poems translated by Malini Govinnage for which I am writing the last words. Judging from recent works of Buddhi and also the ability of Malini not only for translations but also for original creativity shown in her articles to the press, Valley Below is some thing worth waiting for. Competing with a host of young aspirants to the creative world of Sri Lanka in poetry and novels, Buddhi has maintained his position as a poet of esteem and sensi- tivity.
Besides his creative ability he is a very sincere person which no doubt is reflected in his poetry. Poetry is the voice of the person and if the person is hollow his voice cannot reach the reader vibrat- ing with tender and better feelings of humanity.
As a person who watched Buddhi from his young days with high aspirations and patience I am privileged, I feel, to pen these few words to congratulate him for his past achievements and future works.