While self-help gurus urge leaders to "focus on strengths," a hidden danger lies behind this seductive advice. Ironically, a leader's strengths often prove to be his or her undoing.
We all know the phrase, "strengths become weaknesses." But many leaders don't readily grasp how placing great faith in what they are good at can cause them to go overboard and get out of balance. Yet all around us we find lopsided leaders-"strong leaders who fail to empower their staff, results-oriented leaders who lose sight of the bigger picture. The list goes on, illustrating how a strength taken too far crowds out the complementary skill.
In this groundbreaking new book, Bob Kaplan and Rob Kaiser introduce an innovative approach to identifying and correcting lopsidedness in leaders. Readers will discover how to make optimal use of their strengths and avoid getting trapped in a one-dimensional mindset that results in "too much of a good thing."
Based on twenty years of research and extensive work with senior leaders, The Versatile Leader is packed with illustrative cases and practical applications. It is equally useful for self- improvement and for coaching other managers.