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The Way Your Body Works

By: Bernard Stonehouse

Book Condition: Good
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As the owner of the most complex machine of all, a human body, it is important that you know how it works. Only through understanding can you appreciate its complexity and versatility and main- tain it in proper working order.

The Way Your Body Works, lucidly written and imaginatively illustrated, is a book for everyone. You will find the illustrations irresistibly fascinating, the text an authoritative exposition of what to most people is a miracle and a mystery.

In 96 pages, The Way Your Body Works describes the essentials of human biology intelligibly and without over-simplification. The subjects covered include:

โ€ข The Senses-How They Work
โ€ข The Nervous System
โ€ข The Body's Organs
โ€ข Sleep, Dreams and Consciousness Sex, Reproduction and Genetics
โ€ข Puberty and Ageing
โ€ข Diseases and Epidemics
โ€ข Mental Health
โ€ข Physical Fitness

Supporting the main text is an illustrated glossary that in itself makes the book an invaluable work of reference.

Additional information

Weight 780 g
Dimensions 315 × 266 × 15 mm




Book Condition

Published Year

No. of Pages

Book Author

ISBN 0861340515