Since his bestselling book, The Tao Fritjof Capra has been an eloquent and of highly regarded spokesman for the latest findings emerging at the frontiers of scientific and philosophical thought. In previous Physics books, he welded physics and to define a new vision of reality. mysticism forth a new scientific language to describe the interrelationships of biological, physical, psychological, phenomena and creates a holistic theory of living systems - 'the web of life'.
Capra has been at the forefront of the revolution in modern science which has challenged conventional views of evolution and the organization of living systems, taking us away from a mechanistic view of the world based on the thinking of Descartes and Newton towards a holistic, ecological view. In The Web of Life Capra offers a brilliant, radical synthesis of such recent scientific breakthroughs as the theory of complexity, Gaia theory, chaos theory and other explanations of the properties of organisms, social systems and ecosystems. His surprising findings provide an extraordinary new foundation for ecological policies that will allow us to build and sustain communities without diminishing opportunities for future generations.