THE WRITER -- THE EARLY YEARS 1947-1972 is a collection of the writings of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in the tumultuous period before and after the country's Independence. Most of these were published in The Straits Times and its weekend edition, The Sunday Times, from the late 1940s to the early 1970s.
After a lapse of almost 40 years, and with the current mood of change sweeping the country, perhaps it's not inappropriate for us to get reacquainted with these early thoughts of a Malay nationalist whose views and opinions have shaped much of Malaysia's latter-day policies - policies that continue to have a bearing on the nation's social, political and economic landscape.
The political essays in this compilation, besides giving an insight into Dr. Mahathir's heart and mind, also reveal the inspiration and motivation behind his later actions as Prime Minister of Malaysia for 22 years. Other articles, covering Malay culture, customs and lifestyle, display his ability to look beyond politics at the lighter but no less important side of life, particularly their effects on Malay progress and nation-building.
Dr. Mahathir's sharp observation some would say prescience was obvious in many of his articles. One of them, entitled "Disparities: Helpful Suggestions Needed", written in March 1968, said:
"In America, Britain, Africa and neighbouring countries, racial intolerance leading to riots and violence has become a feature. If we are not to join them, it would be wise to learn from them the aetiology, the sign and the symptoms. It would be wiser to institute preventive measures now rather than wait for the actual event. Being in close contact with the rural bumiputera who are incapable of writing intelligent letters in English, I know that the signs and symptoms are already there. If I may say so again, soon it may be too late."
A year later, the May 13 tragedy erupted.