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The Year of the Phoenix: Gandhi’s Pivotal Year

By: T. K. Mahadevan

Book Condition: Good
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RM59.90 RM53.91

1 in stock


For the first time ever, here is the true story of the unknown Gandhi of 1893-94-hither to the subject of conjecture, fiction, and mythology. By means of a strategy of micro-research not attempted before, it tells of the how, when, and whither of Gandhi's rise, within a bare twelve months, from failure and frustration to success and self- confidence. After this book, the objective study of one of the most entrancing personality-enigmas of our time must return to square one and start all over again.

The facts set forth here are brand-new- unavailable in the entire sprawl of gandhiana ranging over half a century. They puncture the theology of divine dispensation-first dished out by Gandhi himself in his Autobiography, and thereafter repeated uncritically by all his myriad biographers.

The book could not have been conceived except by one who has devoted many scholarly years to the prepossessed perception of the "Gandhi phenomenon" without becoming a publicist for the Gandhi Establishment. Nor would it have seen the light of day but for the 3-year Senior Fellowship awarded him by the Indian Council of Social Science Research, which enabled him to carry out a programme of well-orchestrated research in London, Washington (DC). and elsewhere.

Additional information

Weight 401 g
Dimensions 220 × 144 × 19 mm




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