Compiled in full conformity with the Rules and Regulations for Multi-Level Certification of TRIZ Users and Specialists by the International TRIZ Association, this Study guide is intended for workshop participants preparing for Level 1 Certification, as well as for self-study.Increased speed of technological advances calls for faster innovation process, but psychology, as such, has not been exactly successful in development of methods for unveiling new ideas. Luckily, in late 1940s Genrich Altshuller began his work on a new approach, based on the experiences, practices and achievements of inventors of previous generations. As a result, TRIZ emerged and today it is widely applied by many world famous companies.
Over the past 60 years a lot of books have been published on different aspects of TRIZ, including attempts of study guides. But this book is perhaps the first successful effort of this kind. Written in support of Multi-Stage Certification System of TRIZ practitioners, it is an excellent introduction to TRIZ.
The authors are renowned experts in TRIZ training and development of creative imagination, who managed to set forth quite a complicated theory in simple words
with graphic examples. I highly recommend this study guide both to TRIZ novices and educators.
ISBN: 978-983-804-030-3