Among the most memorable characters ever portrayed by Saul Bellow are Israel's Prime Minister Rabin, Jeru- salem's Mayor Teddy Kollek, Henry Kissinger, and Bellow's wife, Alexandra. Each is seen through the eyes of America's premier novelist in his first work of nonfiction, TO JERUSALEM AND BACK. It is the engrossing story of several months spent in a land of cultural and spiritual wealth, of social elegance and ceremonial pageantry, of lush beauty in a once-barren desert... a land where battle rages over the horizon, and where even the most basic right, the right to survive, cannot be taken for granted.In this "impassioned and thoughtful book" (The New York Times), Bellow records the opinions, passions, and dreams of Israelis of varying viewpoints -- Yitzhak Rabin, Amos Oz, the editor of the largest Arab-language newspaper in Israel, a kibbutznik escaped from the Warsaw Ghetto -- and adds his own thoughts on being Jewish in the twentieth century.