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Total Quality Control 3rd Ed.

By: Armand V. Feigenbaum

Book Condition: Good
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RM19.90 RM17.91

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Quality is the basic customer decision factor for an explosively growing num- ber of products and services today-whether the buyer is a housewife, an industrial corporation, a government agency, a department store chain, or a military defense program.

Quality has become the single most important force leading to organiza- tional success and company growth in national and international markets. The return-on-investment from strong and effective quality programs is providing excellent profitability results in firms with effective quality strategies. This is demonstrated by substantial increases in market penetration, by major im- provements in total productivity, by much lower costs of quality, and by stronger competitive leadership. Success in the implementation of this business strategy varies widely, however, among the organizations of the world. More than at any time in memory, buyers perceive that the products of certain companies are significantly higher in quality than those of their competition and they buy accordingly.

A wider variation of effectiveness than ever before also exists among the quality programs of companies. Some are strong in depth and in commitment. Others deal in half measures and try to meet fundamental quality requirements with the fireworks display of one-time quality encouragement programs or through dusting off the application of a few traditional quality control techniques. Because of the wide variation in quality results, the search for the genuine keys to success in quality has become a matter of deep concern to management of companies the world over. And experience is disclosing a fundamental basis for achieving this success.


Additional information

Weight 1022 g
Dimensions 214 ร— 149 ร— 49 mm




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ISBN 0070203539