The flood of Japanese assembly plants in America and Europe is openly welcomed as a positive new force. They promise new jobs, access to Japan's legendary management skills, help with reindustrializing the West and improvement of our trade balances with Japan. These benefits have considerable merit and fall on the sympathetic ears of Western politicians, industrialists and labour. of all, they leave a warm feeling, actively fuelled by Japanese public relations, that something positive is finally happening to the West's relationship with Japan.
All this has deflected a critical analysis of the growing shift of Japan's productive capacity to America and Europe. Trojan Horse reveals the reality that 'what you see is not what you get'.
Japan is the only winner. Using Japanese-made equipment to assemble components created, designed, developed and manufactured in Japan with low- skilled low-cost Western labour, Japanese firms can evade increasing protectionism and the high Yen value and still have access to the West's consumers.
Japan's Trojan Horse assembly plants in their present form are a timebomb ticking away at the heart of America and Europe's industrial competitiveness... and time is running out.