It is planned that this be the first in a three volume compendium - the follow-up being books to be produced in 2003 and 2004. As a first book I have tried to include a little history of the place. each with different themes and with a sprinkling of common images that present itself to the citizens of USM.
A section deals with the environment and another its people. Following this is a part touching on one of USM's branch campuses and finally the last section relates to those friendly activities of USM which extend beyond its campus boundaries...
In these four topics I have tried to capture the spirit of the place. Omittance of events or the order of appearance in the book does not of course imply importance or lack thereof.
To the alumni or staff of USM, you may recognize certain faces or places or even events that make up some of the character of USM. If I could but just be able to draw one smile in reflection or reminiscence from you in the course of your reading this would have been a successful book.