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Values-Based Management: The Way Forward for the Next Millenium

By: Nik Mustapha Hj. Nik Hassan

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The need for the right values in our organisations is becoming very pertinent. A war needs to be waged. A war for values and norms. Organisations in Malaysia need norms and values that managers and workers can embrace and embody.

Since values do not operate in a vacuum, they are permanently enshrined in the belief system of religion and ideology. Islam as a religion has a lot to contribute in formulating relevant values for management practices. By adopting right values in our management practices, it will help organisations to cultivate high commitment, performance, and productivity.

This book comprises of a number of chapters deliberating on the relevance of values for organisational performance. They are written by well-known scholars and CEOs from various countries and organisations.

Additional information

Weight 242 g
Dimensions 228 × 152 × 10 mm




Book Condition

Published Year

No. of Pages

Book Author

ISBN 9789839099492