We're all animals under the skin. In Walk Like a Chameleon, author and psy- chologist Gary S. Aumiller reveals how we have a lot more in common with our fellow creatures than we think. There are eight instinctual survival per- sonalities that are found in the animal kingdom: the Blender (chameleon), the Clinger (remora fish), the Caretaker (dolphin), the Combiner (dog), the Asserter (porcupine), the Competitor (fox), the Avoider (rabbit), and the Gamer (shark). By understanding the imprint nature has made on our personalities, Aumiller believes we can improve our relationships and gear our lives toward greater success.
In this one-of-a-kind guide you'll discover:
- How to identify your animal personality
- In-depth profiles of each animal, including positive and negative traits of each
- Which animal type would be your ideal mate- and which types are sure to rattle your cage
- How to tame the beast within